Concert Schedule/Get Tickets

20th July – Concert in St. Mary’s Church Hitchin SG5 1HP 7:30 pm

Tickets available from

or Jackie Howe 01582 599520

27th July – Concert at Wayside Cottage, Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay MK45 4NR  4:00 pm

Christmas Concerts

30th November – Christmas Concert. Church of the Holy Ghost, Westbourne Road, Luton LU4 8JD 7:00 TBC

8th December – Gala Concert St. Mary’s  RC Church, 82 West Street, Dunstable LU6 1NY 6:00 pm

14th December –  Christmas Concert. St. Mary’s Church, Hitchin SG5 1HP 7:00 TBC

Details of times and tickets will be available nearer the events.                                       

If you would like to purchase a ticket direct from Caritas Harmony, please contact Jackie Howe on 01582 599520