We are getting organised for our Autumn term Sing out for Dementia campaign, culminating with [...]
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the concert at Lilley on 9th June has been [...]
Rehearsals are going well for our performance at the church at Lilley. Not long now!! [...]
We are in the early stages of planning our next SOD campaign, where we hope [...]
It was so good to have Ron Knight back to take photos of the choir. [...]
Congratulations to our two soloists, Eunice (AKA water buffalo) and Steph, who did us proud [...]
We sang very well but were up against very stiff opposition in the name of [...]
What an afternoon at Watford Music and Drama Festival. We won both our classes. [...]
On Monday we had Vivien at the keyboard going over our songs for Sunday. Sing [...]
Sue and Cassie making sure that everything is OK for Sunday [...]